There is no sincere LOVE than the love of FOOD ;)

Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Ranchers is located in the middle of the  twin cities and offers the best affordable and unique burgers, their names all based on the wild west have a catchy twist, like the big Ben which is a humongous double patty fried chicken burger with spicy mayonnaise. Their grill burgers also come with amazing sauces. Their prices are a good value of money. They also come up with unique ideas from time to time like frizza , which is basically a fries based pizza and it is pretty mouth watering. They usually come up with ridiculous deals, like the 1 rupee burger on labors day 2019. All in all Ranchers has good burgers and a unique wild west ambiance much like howdys, it is worth a visit with one of its branch in I-8 and one is Rawalpindi.

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